
Colorness is a powerful sentient tophat with sharp legs and spider like hands, that made the original version of the group (Dimensional Trio). Colorness is a choatic and weird but funny character, that wants nothing more but entertainment and insanity.


In Real Life: Colorness's first creation date is currently unknown, but is most likely from 2016 on a piece of paper. The oldest thing that we have of Colorness is a image from a kahoot quiz and his appearences from a object show called "Object Randomness"

In Canon: One day a scienctist built a machine that transports drawings into the cartoon universe with every single power ever to exist. And then his drunk roommate drew the first Colorness and released him into the cartoon world. The first Colorness (or Colorness Prime) got lonely and decided to duplicate himself alot of times, making them slightly different. Colorness (the one we know) split of to go into tv business, but it didn't go so well. So Colorness went to Prime to ask for help, Prime hid a creature in the universe and told Colorness to find it. It took a while but Colorness found the create, which is Bamding. Colorness and Bamding manage to make some funny shows, but eventually they wanted someting new, what if they tried to get more friends. So they went exploring and eventually found everyone else from the original Dimensional Trio group, and the rest i don't feel like explaining on the Colorness page.

Current Life

Colorness lives in the Chaos Bringers house with everyone else. Every now and then he goes to other dimensions and universes to do random things and cause choas.


Colorness may look like the Romanian or Chad flag, but that is purely a coincidence, Colorness's design is fully based off of a Roblox accessory called "Hat Couture".
Colorness is the most powerful being in the group
There are atleast 2 billion different Colornesses, since he is basically his own species.
Colorness is one of the more crazier Colornesses out there.